
I’m here to help you so that you can what you do best!

Are you struggling to keep up with your ever expanding to do list?

Do you find social media a minefield?

Have you got a list of epic ideas, but no time to turn them into a blog?

Sounds like you need a virtual social media manager

Hi, I’m Rebecca, I can help you and your business, by taking on the tasks you never have time to do, or simply dislike doing. This gives you the freedom to focus on the parts of your business that you love, allowing your business to thrive and grow.

I am London based, though being virtual means you can be located anywhere!

If you were to outsource all the tasks you either don’t have time to do or don’t like doing, how much time have you freed up to focus on the important components of your business? As a virtual social media manager, I can help you create more time in your diary so that you can get back to the exciting part of owning your business. I am here to help you, by removing all of the administrative burdens from your current schedule.

How I can help your business

Social Media

Achieving success through social media is time-consuming, labour intensive and demands constant creativity and commitment, in order to build and maintain a vital presence online.  Outsourcing your social media to a virtual assistant ensures that you have a constant, effective and creative online presence while freeing up your time to focus on your customers.

Copy Writing

Do you have epic ideas, but no time to create them into a blog post? SEO can be time-consuming and hard to manage, by outsourcing this, you can be freed up to work on the fun part of your business. Pinterest is a necessary but time-consuming part of running a blog, so why not outsource that part of the process.

person using macbook pro on white table
close up photography of woman sitting beside table while using macbook

Business Support

Streamlined administration positively impacts efficiency for all aspects of business and having this consistently managed allows growth. A virtual assistant can do this for you, by focusing on creating efficient processes to help you manage the customer journey.